Thursday, May 19, 2011


                                         COURT TRIAL : 

1) “No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you - life”- Unknown. I can't imagine what kind of a person would take their own mother's life. This week we went to watch the trial of , Gary Shuning who is accused of  dual homicide. Gary allegedly murdered his mother, Doris, and his escort Kristi. "It's alleged in these charges that following a night of partying, the defendant returned to his house where he had an argument with his mother, Doris. During the course of the argument, the defendant pulled a knife on his mother, stabbed her, causing her death," said Joe Birkett, DuPage County state's attorney. It's also alleged that Gary stabbed Kristi after she found knifes covered with blood. Kristi got scared, then later called her Pimp who contacted the authorities. What is even more mind blowing is that Gary allegedly stole his mothers credit cards to order the escort's services.The price of the "service" was $1,220. We saw the third day of the trial; the first person called up to testify was the sergeant involved in the case. The sergeant was an evidence technician, and he saw all the evidence. The lawyer asked him a lot of repetitive questions. The sergeant explained all he saw that day he, said that one of the victim's throat was sliced. Bothe victims lacked clothing. Kristi was naked from the waist down, her shirt and jacket were rolled up to expose her breast. We saw a slide show with all the photographic evidence of the crime scene. There was no proof of any kind of forced entry.There was a huge dent of the wall, where Gary allegedly dragged his mother.There were blood splatters on several walls. Doris' face as bruised and her body covered. There were towels with blood, Gary allegedly used these to soak up the blood. The pictures on the slide show were very vivid and graphic. When the case first came out it was said that there were three victims Gary being the third. Gary was actually sent to the hospital after the police arrived to his house because he tried to kill himself. The case was very dramatic and I wish we could have seen it all. I think that on the justice system this case is as presenting the evidence because we saw the slide show with all the EVIDENCE. 

2) This was criminal case because it involved murder. 

3) The case was a felony, because it's a dual homicide. 

4) The race of the accused was Caucasian - white.

5) Theories that can explain this : Control theory and Phenomenological theory : 

Control theory explanation: 
The control theory talks about social institutes controlling behavior & contributing to social order. Our criminal justice system found Gary and he's trial is going on now. His trial is providing social control because if Gary did commit the crime he MUST pay for his deviant acts. Gary is already in jail and although jail is a total institution, him being in jail is already contributing to social control. 

 The Phen. theory explains that deviants see their deviant ways as a positive thing. Gary remains "innocent" he doesn't think he did anything wrong as he says that a pimp mom entered his house, and that he killed in self defense. Gary does't think his deviance is bad so he acted killing his mother and Kristi. 

...... maybe Power theory too because Gary was obviously stronger than his mother and the escort he was able to kill them easier/faster  than they were able to hurt him.

Ironic story: As I was researching more on Gary his MySpace page came up and I clicked on it. I was morbidly surprised as this guy wrote " I love my family exspeically my mom ya im a momma boy." and on his hero section he wrote"my mom i love her to death she is the greatest she has always been there and ill always be there for her all my friends think she is the coolest i love you mommy." 
             If he really killed his mother this is some serious B.S.


1) Jail's subculture is very sad, lonely, and depressing. Their human rights are taken away, and are in a dark dirty room for a big part of their day. 

2) There were a lot of African American prisoners as well as Latinos. I didn't see many Asian inmates.
3) Retribution- They are there paying for something wrong they did.
Incapacitation- the inmates were in the jail all day, they can't see sunlight or anything and their rights are gone.
Deterrence- that place smelled and was awful I would hope that it stopped them from committing more crimes.

4) Control theory explain the inmates situation, because they are locked up for social order. Labeling theory works too, because many people label people in jail as the worst of the worst when they could be just awaiting a trail of which they are innocent for, or a misdemeanor. 

5) No, it has proven not to work because people that commit one crime will most likely go back to jail again. 

6) I hate jail. It was an awful place and it deprives people from their freedom and rights. I think that people should all obey the law :) 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


          All of a sudden I found myself thinking sociologically when I was babysitting. I was babysitting two little boys ( David and Andy). They were really bored and wanted to go play outside;since the weather had been so nice we went out. The boys were both seven, they were twins, and I thought they were a little mature. I was very wrong when we were outside the boys thought it was funny to take their PANTSSSSS OFFFF! They started running around the front yard like crazy.They were really fast and it took me a while to catch both of them. They thought it was okay to take their pants off in public. When we went inside the house they started getting brattier. Andy began  blowing up  water balloons and throwing  them to the neighbor's dog. Shortly after, David joined him I did my best to stop them.... but little kids are hard to handle. Eventually, I was able to calm the boys down by making them some Hamburger Helper cheeseburgers. The twins were really hard to handle this week. 
       This week deviant behavior has been the key discussion topic.The twins were deviant from my point of view by taking their pants off,and throwing water balloons to the neighbor's dog. Deviance is in the eye of the beholder, so with that said the twins didn't think they were doing anything bad. When the boys took their pants off it made me think of the Amish rumspringa. This was because just like little kids get away with being pantless,the Amish teens get away with their deviant acts ex: underage drinking.The fact that the boys took their clothes off for fun made me think of the way they had been socialized by their parents. Babysitting the boys made me think of the functionalism theory, simply because it's older teens job to babysit younger children; it's our "function". The Feminist theory came to mind as well: Women are expected to wear more clothing than men. David and Andy are both young and their clothes being off didn't cause chaos, although it was a little too much( or should I say to little LOL). If little girls were to be pantless I think the response would be the same ; however when boys and girls grow older this changes. 
Boys can wear less clothing than girls, by this I mean that women are expected to wear more covering clothing. If women wear more reveling clothes they often get insulted or unwanted "compliments" unlike men that can wear whatever.

TO FINSIH WITH: David and Andy were good the rest of the day and remained with their clothes on ! (: