Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chinese Mothers

  The article about Chinese mothers was really interesting, and it made me think a lot! I think that Ms. Chua is doing the right thing as a Chinese mother; although it seemed harsh. Every culture has it's own ways of functioning and parenting skills are just one of the many differences within each culture. Ms. Chua's parenting style proved to be effective when  Lulu was able to play " The Little White Donkey" .  I think that the article was very bias it seemed to be dissing Western's style of parenting. The article  made it seem like Westerns are okay with the failure of their children. I don't think I can be as Harsh as  a Chinese mother when I have kids, but I will attempt to find a happy medium. Ms. Chau's parenting style was okay by me only because it seemed like she truly did want her kids to succeed . To each is own ,and tough love is indeed a way of showing " love" ( hence the name : tough love). I believe Ms. Chua's children will thank her later on in life when they are successful. The way Ms. Chua showed to care for her Lulu actually says a lot about her as a parent; she never gave up on Lulu, she believed her daughter was capable of doing anything. 

COOLEY : From Cooley's looking glass self which is : "the self image we develop from the way others treat us" ( classroom notes) 
Lulu's looking glass self would be  low when she is not able to do something right and he mom insults her by calling her  names like "garbage" etc. However when her mom does praise her for excelling at something her looking glass self goes up. When others give her compliments for her good work it goes up as well for ex. her piano recital parents were impressed with her wonderful job and she was given praise. 

MEAD: Lulu would have a very small "I" since Ms.Chua is not letting her be spontaneous for the most part. 

Her significant other ( Ms.Chua) and  her would probably not have a close bond because Ms.Chua is very strict. 

Generalized : Lulu probably has a lot of outside people influence her in her drive to succeed 

Freud : Lulu's interaction with her mom ( Ms. Chua ) influences her personality most likely in a negative way because she will feel that she always has to be perfect in life. As we know no one is perfect. 


***NOTE: As far as socialization goes Lulu and Sophia are very oddly socialized compared with the average American kids.  It is save to say they will be successful in life, but at what price. They can only be "perfect" for so long. They will not have too many friends because they are not engaged in extra curriculum activities of any kind. They are made to succeed and nothing else.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic analysis of the situation using sociology. Here's hoping that the girls turn out to be functioning members of society :)
